Give and Take
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
277 episodes of Give and Take since the first episode, which aired on March 30th, 2017.
Episode 37: Strange Beauty, with Eliza Factor
July 21st, 2017 | 49 mins 53 secs
My guest is Eliza Factor. Her most recent book is a memoir entitled "Strange Beauty."
Episode 36: Faithful Presence, with David Fitch
July 20th, 2017 | 1 hr 19 mins
My guest is David Fitch. He's a pastor, theologian and author of numerous books. His most recent book is "Faithful Presence: How God Shapes the Church for the Sake of the World. "
Episode 35: Eat Your Heart Out, with Tiffany Ann Dwyer
July 19th, 2017 | 37 mins 52 secs
Tiffaney Ann is a health and wellness coach specializing in food philosophy, an Essential Oils educator, wife, mother and Real Life advocate. Her passion is influencing others to love themselves (whatever that means) without guilt.
Episode 34: All The Beautiful People We Once Knew, With Edward Carlson
July 14th, 2017 | 55 mins 1 sec
My guest is Edward Carlson. His debut novel is "All The Beautiful People We Once Knew." He is a New York shipping lawyer by trade.
Episode 33: Evolution 2.0, with Perry Marshall
July 6th, 2017 | 1 hr 8 mins
My guest is Perry Marshall. Perry is an author, speaker, engineer and world-renowned business consultant in Chicago. His newest book, "Evolution 2.0", builds its case on standard, peer reviewed mainstream research. It seeks to resolve the conflict between Darwin and Design, opening new avenues of science research and raising tantalizing new questions.
Episode 32: International Women's Year: The Greatest Consciousness-Raising Event In History, with Jocelyn Olcott
June 22nd, 2017 | 1 hr 6 mins
My guest is Jocelyn Olcott. She is Associate Professor of History and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke University. She is the author of, most recently, "International Women’s Year: The Greatest Consciousness-Raising Event in History".
Episode 31: Singer, Songwriter and Playwright Jim Knable
June 20th, 2017 | 1 hr 15 mins
My guest is singer, songwriter and playwright Jim Knable.
Episode 30: Movies Are Prayers, with Josh Larsen
June 13th, 2017 | 36 mins 11 secs
My guest is Josh Larsen, host of the "Filmspotting" podcast and author of "Movies Are Prayers: How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings."
Episode 29: Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering, with Kelly Kapic
June 6th, 2017 | 49 mins 20 secs
My guest is Kelly Kapic. He teaches theology at Covenant College and is the author of "Embodied Hope: A Theological Mediation on Pain and Suffering."
Episode 28: The Collapse of American Identity, with Robert P. Jones
June 5th, 2017 | 40 mins 40 secs
My guest today is Robert P. Jones. He's the CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute, and the author of several books, including "The End of White Christian America."
Episode 27: The Congressional Dish, with Jennifer Briney
June 1st, 2017 | 52 mins 53 secs
My guest is Jennifer Briney. She's the creator and host of the wildly popular "Congressional Dish" podcast. It's like C-Span meets Comedy Central, resisting the corporate takeover of the world.
Episode 26: How to Love Your Ideological Enemy, with Karen Swallow Prior
May 27th, 2017 | 43 mins 35 secs
My guest is Karen Swallow Prior. Karen is an award-winning Professor of English at Liberty University. She's the author of several books, numerous scholarly articles and just wrote a piece for Christianity Today entitled "How to Love Your Ideological Enemy".
Episode 25: Cancer Is Funny, with Jason Micheli
May 27th, 2017 | 49 mins 9 secs
My guest is Jason Micheli. He's the author of "Cancer Is Funny: Keeping Faith in Stage-Serious Chemo". He a Methodist pastor and co-hosts the "Crackers and Grape Juice" podcast.
Episode 24: The Vulnerable Pastor, with Mandy Smith
May 26th, 2017 | 41 mins 27 secs
My guest is Mandy Smith. She's the author, most recently, of the "The Vulnerable Pastor". She is also the lead pastor of University Christian Church in Cincinatti, Ohio.
Episode 23: Talking Life, Loss and Love, with Jace Broadhurst
May 23rd, 2017 | 1 hr 4 mins
My guest is Jace Broadhurst is a biblical scholar, a Baptist minister, and someone who has spent some time in the school of suffering over the past few years. He shares his thoughts on faith and the life of the mind, baptist culture and dealing with the death of a spouse.
Episode 22: What's Your Story? Seeing Your Life Through God’s Eyes, with Sarah Heath
May 22nd, 2017 | 39 mins 37 secs
My guest is Sarah Heath. Sarah is the pastor of First United Methodist Church in Costa Mesa, California. She's the author of a new book "What's Your Story?
Seeing Your Life Through God’s Eyes".