Raphael Davidovich
Special guest
Rabbi Davidovich is a native of Montreal. He is a musmach of Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, where he also served as a rabbinic intern at Congregation Shomrei Emunah under Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsh Weinreb.
He was rabbi of Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Newport News, Virginia, from 2001 until he came to HJC in September of 2006. The Rabbi and his wife Deena have five children.
Raphael Davidovich has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 261: Being a Wartime Rabbi, with Rabbi Raphael Davidovich
February 28th, 2024 | 1 hr 19 mins
In this episode we are joined by Raphael Davidovich. He is the Rabbi of Cleveland's friendliest Orthodox schule. We touch on a host of issues including and especially what it means to be an American Rabbi when Israel is at war.