Peter Crimmins
Special guest
WHYY arts & culture reporter Peter Crimmins first became interested in radio in the fourth grade, when he hid a homemade, contraband crystal-diode radio in a shoebox and smuggled it into the Boy Scout summer camp.
Subsequent radio projects were more successful. For eight years, Peter was the producer and host of a radio show about cinema — “Film Close-Ups” — on KALX in Berkeley, Ca., and was senior producer at Ben Manilla Productions in San Francisco (i.e. the paying gig). After wandering the freelance universe for a few years, he joined the WHYY staff. He rides his bike to work from South Philadelphia.
Peter Crimmins has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 38: Live Show At The Philly Podcast Festival, with Peter Crimmins
July 24th, 2017 | 46 mins 3 secs
My guest is Peter Crimmins, Arts & Culture reporter for WHYY, Philadelphia's NPR affialite station. This show was taped live at the Philadelphia Podcast Festival.